You still look at me the way you used to... That must mean something, right?
The funny thing about breakups is they point out what we didn't even know we had, but don't give us the option of going back into battle armed with that knowledge.
When your ex gave you their love you had it to keep. That which is given to you, cannot be taken away from you. The only thing taken away from you was the wish to have it given to you again
Do not take another's bad opinion of you as the truth. Nothing others think or say about you is about you, but rather a reflection of their own reality.
Obsession is feeling fearful that you may be losing him; detachment is knowing that he may be losing you; and apathy is the past tense of both
Based on a string of bad breakups, I was forced to examine my choice of partners. Surely, that must have abolished me from any wrongdoing
I can embrace myself, hold my own hand, love me - but I can't gaze into my own eyes and feel my own soul lift me up.
The dark of night does not come after the golden glow of the day's sun but before it.
No one is spared the pain of rejection, except the ignorant and the fool. Which my ex just happens to be both of.
Your closing your eyes to me, opened my eyes to you.
Mars and Venus? Nope. The only problem between the genders is that we each have the others needs and wants backwards. Men want to be needed, and women need to be wanted. Not the other way around. It's that simple!
The greatest experience we can ever have is usually not a welcomed one at that time.
To err is human, to forgive is just like asking for it all over again
I used to treat those who did me wrong with disdain and unacceptance. I was afraid that if I were to treat them nicely it would mean that I was giving them the 'go-ahead', 'thumbs-up', to hurt me again. Little did I know that I was only reaffirming that their choice to hurt me to begin with was the right choice
When I first met my partner, I rejoiced in him. What splendid, fascinating, and new things he brought to my stagnant life. For instance, he could talk for hours about space and music. And now, three-and-one-half years later I realize that he can talk for hours about space and music. Despite this, I still love him.
Most people are afraid that if they back off a little that the object of their affection will move on and eventually forget about them. But, ironically, the real reason is that they, themselves, are afraid that if they back off that THEY will forget about the object of their affection and move on, and this they don't want to do.
If we are but one, then to hold you accountable is to hold me accountable. To love you, is to love myself, To forgive you is to leave me without blame, also. Ah, the peace!
It's not the days, the hours, the minutes, nor the seconds that count. It's man's actions and reactions to them that make or break his life's journey
It's always the same in every relationship, there is always one person crying and wishing to get back together, while the other doesn't even remember the things they've been through. I hate that I have to be the one who remembers every little detail while you can't seem to remember me at all.
We laughed until we had to cry, we loved right down to our last goodbye, but over the years we'll smile and recall for just one moment we had it all.
The sorrow which has no vent in tears may make other organs weep
When you are sorrowful look again in your heart, and you shall see that in truth you are weeping for that which has been your delight
A woman wears her tears like jewelry
Every woman is wrong until she cries, and then she is right - instantly
The way to love anything is to realize that it might be lost
The hottest love has the coldest end
Why can't we get all the people together in the world that we really like and then just stay together? I guess that wouldn't work. Someone would leave. Someone always leaves. Then we would have to say good-bye. I hate good-byes. I know what I need. I need more hellos
i fear the thought of falling for something that will never be mine
I don't need you, but i choose to want you
she's going through an emotional hurricane inside but nobody knows
when you love someone, but the love is lost. could it get worse?
i want someone that will have my friends saying to one another .. "shes happy again"
darling, you didn't crush me, you completley destroyed me.
The sexiest thing about a girl is confidence
So I'll erase everything and forget about you. Too bad that this will be the hardest thing I'll ever have to do