it's hard to find the good in someone, when you already found the best in someone else
i'll just stand here and wonder if you'll ever understand just how much of me belongs to you
You'll never be a liar, but you will always be two-faced.
Sind püüan ikka unustada. Kuid liiga raske on see. Oma mälestusi kustutada. Mu mõtteis oled sa veel. Unenäos sind veel ma näen. Kuidas õrnalt embad mind. Ja mu ümber on su käed. Ning ütled:ma armastan sind. Mul meeles on su naer. Mida korduvalt pakkusid. Kuid läbi sai see aeg. Mu juurest Sa lahkusid.
Miks teed taas mulle haiget, vahel mõttetult süüdistad mind, kuidas mõista su mõtteid, kui sa seda ei ütle. Endas mida sa kannad, kahjuks ei aima. Miks teed taas mulle haiget, miks mind trotsid kui su lähedust otsin ja miks vaikid kui ütlen, et nii kallis sa oled mu jaoks ..
Who are you to judge the life I live? I know I’m not perfect and I don’t live to be, but before you start pointing fingers make sure your hands are clean.
Ma ootan et kätte jõuaks päev kui ma löön selja sirgu ja võin su juurest minema kõndida ja öelda sulle sama ükskõikselt nagu sina mulle – sa ei tähenda minu jaoks enam midagi !
Vahel ma mõtlen, et ma armastan sind nii väga ja samas see seesmine viha on summutanud kõik minu sees, ka selle järele jäänud armastuse.
First loves..
That's exactly what they are,
those are the ones that introduced you to everything
made you love them, loved you back,
and also broke your heart.
But no matter how hurts you are,
you'll always love them, always..
And not only will you not notice it,
but deep down you will compare every other one.
And none of them will live up
Then after months of letting go...
when you finally think you are okey,
he'll call, or you will hear "your" song,
or you will visit a place that was important to you...
or see a movie, or something that reminds you
of how much he meant you.
And how much you really loved him
and realize you're not over him
and maybe never will be...
i'm a slut because i'll wear shorts and a tanktop
i'm a bitch because i dont let you push me around
i'm a liar because i wont tell you everything
i'm stupid because sometimes im wrong
i'm ugly because my face isnt perfect
i'm a whore because i like boys
i'm annoying because im not "chill enough"
i'm a loser because im not friends with your group
i use people because i do whats best for me
i'm fake because most of the time im happy
i'm weird because im not like you
i'm controlling because i get mad sometimes
i put out because i have a tongue ring i'm clingy because i like to be around people
i'm greedy because i like to be satisfied
i'm naive because im younger than you
i'm conceited because im proud of who i am
i'm rude because my manners arent perfect i'm psycho because i show my emotionsi'm unnapreciative because i dont praise you i'm a jerk because i'm oppinionated
Dont try to tell me who i am because i already know
i'll just stand here and wonder if you'll ever understand just how much of me belongs to you
You'll never be a liar, but you will always be two-faced.
Sind püüan ikka unustada. Kuid liiga raske on see. Oma mälestusi kustutada. Mu mõtteis oled sa veel. Unenäos sind veel ma näen. Kuidas õrnalt embad mind. Ja mu ümber on su käed. Ning ütled:ma armastan sind. Mul meeles on su naer. Mida korduvalt pakkusid. Kuid läbi sai see aeg. Mu juurest Sa lahkusid.
Miks teed taas mulle haiget, vahel mõttetult süüdistad mind, kuidas mõista su mõtteid, kui sa seda ei ütle. Endas mida sa kannad, kahjuks ei aima. Miks teed taas mulle haiget, miks mind trotsid kui su lähedust otsin ja miks vaikid kui ütlen, et nii kallis sa oled mu jaoks ..
Who are you to judge the life I live? I know I’m not perfect and I don’t live to be, but before you start pointing fingers make sure your hands are clean.
Ma ootan et kätte jõuaks päev kui ma löön selja sirgu ja võin su juurest minema kõndida ja öelda sulle sama ükskõikselt nagu sina mulle – sa ei tähenda minu jaoks enam midagi !
Vahel ma mõtlen, et ma armastan sind nii väga ja samas see seesmine viha on summutanud kõik minu sees, ka selle järele jäänud armastuse.
Some relationships are like Tom and Jerry. They tease each other, knock each other down, irritate each other, but can't live without each other.
That's exactly what they are,
those are the ones that introduced you to everything
made you love them, loved you back,
and also broke your heart.
But no matter how hurts you are,
you'll always love them, always..
And not only will you not notice it,
but deep down you will compare every other one.
And none of them will live up
Then after months of letting go...
when you finally think you are okey,
he'll call, or you will hear "your" song,
or you will visit a place that was important to you...
or see a movie, or something that reminds you
of how much he meant you.
And how much you really loved him
and realize you're not over him
and maybe never will be...
i'm a slut because i'll wear shorts and a tanktop
i'm a bitch because i dont let you push me around
i'm a liar because i wont tell you everything
i'm stupid because sometimes im wrong
i'm ugly because my face isnt perfect
i'm a whore because i like boys
i'm annoying because im not "chill enough"
i'm a loser because im not friends with your group
i use people because i do whats best for me
i'm fake because most of the time im happy
i'm weird because im not like you
i'm controlling because i get mad sometimes
i put out because i have a tongue ring i'm clingy because i like to be around people
i'm greedy because i like to be satisfied
i'm naive because im younger than you
i'm conceited because im proud of who i am
i'm rude because my manners arent perfect i'm psycho because i show my emotionsi'm unnapreciative because i dont praise you i'm a jerk because i'm oppinionated
Dont try to tell me who i am because i already know