Love hurts when you break up with someone. It hurts even more when someone breaks up with you. But love hurts the most when the person you love has no idea what so ever.
The worst way to miss someone is when they are right beside you and yet you know you can never have them.
I love him but I cannot show it, want him but he cannot know it, need him but I know it'll never be, if only he needed me.
I get the best feeling in the world when you say hi to me, or even smile, because I know even if just for a second, I crossed your mind.
I wonder, what I could Do or say to make him like me. I wonder, what or who I need to be, to be his. I wonder, when just being me will be enough.
Should I smile cause were friends, or should I cry cause that's all well ever gonna be.
I look at him as a friend, then I realized I loved him.
We are afraid to care to much, for fear that the other person does not care at all.
If you love something, set it free if it comes back, it was meant to be. If it continues to fly, let it soar, have faith that God has something better in store.
You don't know what you mean to me, you don't have a clue, you can't tell by looking at me what I feel for you.
Don't push your relationship with a person too hard, if its meant to be then it will happen.
Have you ever hated somebody so much that you wish they would just leave and never come back but yet, loved them so much, you knew you'd die if they did?
I think it's weird when I love you, I think it's weird when I want you, when you don't even know I'm there!
There are so many things she wanted to say to him but never had. Like: You have the most amazing eyes. Please give me that hat you always wear. I think our souls are meant to be together. What kind of breath freshener is that?
Sometimes I wonder what you think of me or if you do at all.
I never knew it would be this hard to lose someone I never truly had.
It's hard not to love someone when he's all you ever think about.
Sometimes I wish I had never met you because then I could go to sleep at night not knowing there was someone like you out there.
I wonder if you think of me half as much as I think about you.
I never found the words to say, you're the one I think about each day.
No one can accuse you of falling in love with the wrong person if inside you know he is the one.
It's not telling you how I feel that scares me it's what you'll say back.
You know, one day you look at the person and you see something more than you did the night before. Like a switch has been flicked somewhere. And the person who was just a friend is suddenly the only person you can ever imagine yourself with.
Me? I'm scared of everything. I'm scared of what I feel, of what I've said, of who I am, but most of all I'm scared of walking out of this room and never feeling the rest of my life the way I feel when I'm with you.
Isn't it funny how you can still get butterflies in your stomach, even though you have known the person for years.
It's amazing how one little conversation can change things forever.
She loves him more then he would ever know, he love's her more than he would ever show.
It is tearing me up on the inside to have these feelings for you, but I can't get rid of them.
I sit here and wonder if you'll ever understand just how much of me belongs to you.
You wonder why I don't talk to you anymore and please believe me when I say it's not that I don't want to, it's just that everything I want to say I can't tell you anymore.
When he's around, my whole body knows it. I'll keep talking and stuff, but my mind will have no idea what I'm saying, I keep wondering if there's a term for this.
I want a new life and I want it with you.
The most ironic thing of all is, I think this will be the most difficult breakup I ever go through, and we never even went out.
Sometimes the one love you can't get over is the one love you never really had.
I just wonder how many people never get the one they want, but end up with the one they're supposed to have.
All I'm asking for is one night together. Just you and me. All alone. And if you can honestly say you don't feel anything for me after that night, I will finally let you go.
It's weird how sometimes things just have to happen to see how you actually feel about someone.
When you thought I was in love with him, you were so wrong, baby, I was loving you.
Sometimes there are things that are worth the chance, and when you find them, everything in the world doesn't matter.
I used to think that if I loved you enough you would realize it and love me back, but I can only love so much for so long.
If I was pretty would you love me? If I was perfect would you want me? If I loved you would you leave me?
You sit here and wish for that one person... be careful when you wish for it... because the one person may come along and you realized you made that wish at the wrong time.
Never long for anyone from the past. There is a reason why they never made it to your future.
It's just hard to think I'll never get the chance to say you're mine.
We'll do what we gotta do, see what we gotta see, and if in the end we end up together, then we'll know it was meant to be.
Late at night when all the world is sleeping, I stay up and think of you... and I wish on a star that somewhere you're thinking of me, too.
I wish you could hear all the words I'm too afraid to say.
If I reach for your hand, will you hold it? If I hold out my arms, will you hug me? If I go for your lips, will you kiss me? If I capture your heart, will you love me?
Frustrated because I can't tell if it's real. Mad because I don't know how you feel. Upset because we can't make it right. Sad because I need you day and night. Angry because you won't take my hand. Aggravated because you don't understand. Disappointed because we can't be together, but still I'll love you forever.
Even now after all this time, you called me and wanted me I'd say "yes! It's about time what took you so damn long!".
You are terrified of being alone... and all the while your best friend is knocking outside.
Do I really love him or am I addicted to the pain of wanting something I can't have.
Sometimes we go out of our way to make someone love us in return, but suddenly fate intervenes and says "oops, wrong person".
This is so different you're so different, finally I've realized what I deserve and it's not what I had before.
The hardest part is being around him knowing you can't have him and he'll never want you.
Maybe they are right. Maybe I did get my hopes up too high. Maybe I was in over my head. Maybe I am the stupid one for ever thinking that you loved me, but maybe, just maybe, I am tired of being alone.
Don't screw up the best thing that ever happened to you just because you're a little unsure about who you are.
Fuck what you know. You need to forget about what you know thats your problem, forget about what you think you know about life, about friendship, and especially about you and me.
Why can't you just tell me how you feel, because how you act is confusing me. You walk by me like I'm no one, you smile at me like I'm anyone, you hug me like I'm someone... but kiss, the way you kiss me, its as if I'm the only one.
You can say I don't matter to you but I'm not the one calling every night, that's you.
I don't know which is worse, keeping your love for someone a secret or telling them and risk being rejected.
I don't know which is worse, loving someone knowing its going to cause you pain or being in pain because you can't love someone.
Life and love is kinda funny some time cause the guys we want are so hard to get, but the ones that we dont want... are so hard to get rid of...
I can't just drift away from you, I can't get on with my life and not give you a second thought. When I kissed you that night, walking away stopped being an option.
Even though I've stopped "liking you" every time someone mentions your name my head turns towards them. It's like every time I hear it, I think of what we had, and all we could have had.
Why is it we always fall for our best friends? Is it because we know we can trust them? Is it because we know them so well? Is it because of the way they know exactly what's going on in our heads? Or is it because they are there any day, anytime, anywhere without the promise of kisses, intimate touches or whispered sentiments of love? I think we love them because they are there when there is nothing in it for them except for that little glimmer of hope that maybe someday there will be.
Life is all about risks and it requires you to jump. Don't be a person who has to look back and wonder what they would have or could have had. No one waits forever.
I've learned that you cannot make someone love you. All you can do is stalk them and hope they panic and give in.
I'm glad you're happy. I can't say that I'm completely happy for you but I guess that's just a part of life, I'll always have feelings for you but the rest of the world is forcing me to move on.
I've learned that there are people that truly love you, but they just don't know how to show it.
For someone who is suppose to be "just friends" why do I always get butterflies in my stomach when you smile at me.
It's not that we aren't meant to be together, I think that we're just not ready for forever.
You don't just stop feeling something for someone because you start feeling something for someone else.
I don't know what it is really, but sometimes it takes everything in me to not reach out and run my fingers through your hair or turn around and hug you when you are least expecting it.
You know you really like someone, when you sit the painful way in your chair just to get a better look at them.
I hate the way I could never hate you.
Sometimes I look at you... and you seem to be looking back at me... but sometimes you look away... like you're afraid of what might happen if you look a second longer.
There are so many things I'd like to tell you. I wish you could understand, but if I told you. Both our worlds would change. For good or bad, I'm not sure.
I don't think of you as a crush anymore... you're more like a bad habit that I can't shake.
Why is it that no matter how many times I remind myself that we can't be together, I still won't let myself fall for anyone else?
Why is it always as soon as I start to like you, you like another girl and when I stop liking you, you like me.
Lets be lovers tonight, and go back to being best friends tomorrow.
Who better to share your dreams with than the person you dream about?
I've learned that guys can make the best of friends... my best friend is a guy, and I can tell him anything and everything... oh except the fact that I'm absolutely crazy about him... that part always seems to stay out of our conversations.
Don't apologize for your feelings, it's like apologizing for the truth.
You can't just cling on to something because it's familiar.
I am perfectly happy being his friend, in fact I love it... I just have this incredible urge to kiss him, that doesn't go away... and this feeling that we would be perfect together.
This could be so much more. So much more than a casual kiss, and a quick caress beneath the sheets. This really could be the beginning of something, something that's takes us both somewhere, that translates both of us. Changes us. And we can only do it together.
People that are meant to be together always find their way in the end.
I'd rather be your lover then your friend, but I'd rather be your friend then your nobody.
I've convinced everyone else that I don't like you and that I don't love you anymore. Now all I need to do is convince myself.
I never regretted telling you I liked you, I only regretted never hearing what you really thought of me.
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